Harnessing Parental Engagement
Victoria Hutchinson
Strandtown Primary School
Key Learning
As a result of online learning parents now have a greater understanding of what goes on in their child’s class.
As educators we should harness this greater understanding and continue to develop parental engagement.
Engaging with parents supports pupil learning as learning at home can be linked to learning in school.
Involving parents in the school experience leads to positive attitudes and dispositions towards learning for the whole school community.
Continue to use electronic formats that suit parents.
Harnessing the parent voice and experience of families can easily inform school planning, processes and protocols.
Points to Consider
Consult with parents regularly and systematically through different channels.
Communicate with parents on platforms which allow ease of two-way communication and which are built on the premise of clear, transparent and invitational messaging.
Collaborate with parents to purposefully navigate changes in the school landscape.
Invite parents to contribute to the development of their child’s learning by role-modelling, informing and equipping parents.
It is finding and recognising channels of communication that work for all families and parents, irrespective of their background or context.
To Recap
Going back 2/3 years what did you use to engage with parents? Perhaps it was information evenings, leaflets….. Did parents engage more in these settings?
What has worked well in engaging parents in the last year? Perhaps you have used Dojo, webinars, virtual meetings?
What do you do to engage parents in school planning? Do you have a parents voice?
Without putting pressure on parents how could you make it more invitational so that they are participating in their child’s learning and also school planning and decision making?
What could you try this term? Could you invite some parents into a focus group discussion and starting by asking about the school’s communication?