Museum on the Move
Hannah McCaughey
St. Comgall's Primary School, Bangor
St Comgall’s Primary School is a co-educational maintained primary school in Bangor County Down. There are two classes in each year group with over 300 pupils and 16 teaching staff.
Hannah McCaughey teaches a P5 class. Each year the P5 pupils look forward to a trip to the Ulster Museum in Belfast to look at the artefacts that bring the topic of Ancient Egypt to life.
In this clip Hannah tells us how this year the restrictions meant that pupils could not visit the Ulster Museum but instead the museum came to them.
Key Learning
The Museum on the Move programme was extremely well planned for and resourced
All resources are provided ahead of time with little teacher planning/preparation
Children thrive in hands-on-learning and love being able to handle objects sent by the museum
Input from an expert archaeologist is an invaluable resource
Points to Consider
What topics are each class currently exploring?
Could these be enhanced by a museum visit with an expert on the topic?
How can remote learning programmes enhance WAU education during Covid-19 restrictions?
Could this model be used into the future to allow children more often to partake in external learning opportunities without the time, costs and risks of school trips?
Further Resources
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