Pupils' Well-being
(Up to 60 minutes)
This module explores the importance of pupil wellbeing and how it can be supported.
In this module you will:
reflect on the importance of pupil well-being
identify ways to support pupil well-being
plan how you will support pupil well-being in your school
(15-20 minutes)
Please open the link below and read each of the sections. Look at the brief video clip.
Improving well-being in School (click link to visit website)
(15 minutes)
Reflect on the well-being of the pupils in your school.
Is there a whole-school approach to pupil well-being in your school?
Who has responsibility for pupil well-being?
What support are pupils being given? Is it individual, whole class, whole school?
(20 minutes)
Think about your own pupils and take the opportunity to plan changes you may considering making.
Well-being is the precursor for all learning and you teach children and young people not classes.
What area of well-being should I prioritise in supporting?
How can I do this?
Who can I work with?
What class am I going to start with?
What planning will I have to do?