Effective Feedback
(Up to 60 minutes)
This module explores effective feedback strategies and possible issues.
In this module you will:
reflect on how you give feedback
identify challenges in giving effective feedback and explore strategies
plan how to develop more effective feedback to your pupils
(15-20 minutes)
Please read the notes below, look at the brief video clip and read the two pages from the CCEA publication.
Providing feedback is a vital part of successful teaching, that is how pupils learn how to progress. Feedback is one of the most powerful influences on learning and achievement, but this impact can be either positive or negative. The type of feedback and the way it is given can be differentially effective.
Feedback should
Make pupils think or act
Be timely
Be well delivered
Types of feedback
One of the most common methods of providing feedback is written feedback but it is time consuming.
It can be a more time-efficient alternative to written feedback, and it can occur within the lesson where it can be used by pupils immediately.
Whole class
Feedback is given to the entire class, perhaps using an exemplar, and picking up on common strengths or errors. Whole-class feedback offers teachers a method of high-quality feedback that is specific, actionable, and time-efficient.
This strategy trains pupils to comment on the work of their peers. The interactive exchange involved may benefit learning for those giving the feedback and develop the pupils’ interpersonal skills.
Digital technology provides two main benefits. It is efficient feedback (speed and ease) and it is timely, providing on the spot feedback to pupils.
(15 minutes)
Reflect on your own practice of giving feedback.
What methods of feedback do you use?
Is there a whole school approach?
What issues have you encountered with giving feedback?
How could these issues be addressed?
(20 minutes)
Think about your own classes and take the opportunity to plan changes you may considering making.
Is there one form of feedback that I use with a pupil/group of pupils that I think works effectively?
Is there one form of feedback that I use with a pupil/group of pupils that seems to have little impact?
How can I make feedback more meaningful for my pupils?
Is there another colleague I can work with on developing more effective feedback?
What class am I going to start with?
What planning will I have to do?