Stretch and Challenge
(Up to 60 minutes)
This module explores frameworks for embedding stretch and challenge in a class.
In this module you will:
identify aspects of Stretch and Challenge
understand a range of tools or frameworks which you can use as a teacher to Stretch and Challenge
reflect on your own Stretch and Challenge practice to decide on ‘take-away’ approaches to use
(15-20 minutes)
Please go through the slides at your own pace
(20 minutes)
Carry out the activities from slide 14 in the presentation.
Click here to access a PDF of slide 14.
(20 minutes)
Think about your own classes and take the opportunity to plan changes you may considering making.
What approaches will you consider using in the coming week?
What class/classes will you be focusing on?
What planning will you have to do?
Will you work along with any other teachers?
How will you evaluate success?
Further Reading and Support Materials
Gifted and Talented Pupils - Guidelines for Teachers | Click here for document...