SEN Specialist Setting Support Team
Who are we? The Specialist Setting Support Team (SSST)
A multi-service, support team providing integrated support for Specialist Provisions in Mainstream Schools (SPiMS).
Working with existing services, and drawing on best practice from established settings, the SSST will work to ensure that staff in new provisions are effectively supported in meeting the challenge of delivering high quality provision and educational experiences for children and young people (CYP).
Our Team
The team include specialists from across the wider pupil support services and experienced staff from Special Schools and Specialist Provisions in Mainstream Schools including:
• Behaviour Specialists
• Language and Communication specialists
• Autism Specialists
• Specialist staff of children with Cognition and Learning needs
What do we do?
The SSST team supports staff in Specialist provisions in mainstream schools to improve outcomes for children and young people (CYP).
Support is provided at pre and post set up level. This includes link, universal, targeted and specialist support for schools, parents and CYP.
SSST offer a wide range of professional learning and development programmes. The team also provide advice and consultation as well as whole class, small group and modelling/demonstration sessions that assist settings to develop CYP fundamental skills.
Specialist short term individual support and/or consultation may also be offered for those CYP with persistent needs who have not responded positively to other strategies.
A Graduated Response
Link Support (available to new settings)
Each setting will be allocated an Advisory Teacher as a point of contact with the team for support, signposting and advice.
Universal Support (available to all settings)
Universal programmes have been intentionally designed to build the capacity of settings to meet the needs of CYP and parents/carers with increasing confidence and skill. This is done through training, modelling, and capacity building.
Targeted Support (Professional learning & development available for all settings)
Targeted support programmes are aimed at setting staff, parents/carers or CYP in specific targeted groups or at specific times in a CYP’s developmental journey. This could include, for example, transition programmes, parent/carer and setting cluster groups, school-based training, teacher advice and guidance or group intervention.
Specialist Support (available to new settings)
Short term specialist support for CYP, staff and parents builds on the foundations laid in schools through both teacher professional learning and targeted support programmes. Intensive support will focus on the needs of an individual CYP and will have clearly agreed outcomes. A programme of intensive support will focus on the identified and assessed needs of an individual pupil.
Professional Development Programme
Please use the brochure to view development events. Scan or click on the QR code to view all Courses & Events and book your place.
A comprehensive professional learning and development programme is available, delivered both online and in person for teachers, classrooms assistants and parents.
The combined input from a Specialist multi-service team, across the wider Pupil support services in partnership with outside agencies, brings a unique, in-depth and practical element to each training.
SSST Professional Learning & Development Brochure
Scan the QR Code for further information
The SEN Specialist Support Team can be contacted via a dedicated email box:
(for general enquiries)
(for Professional Learning and Development enquiries)